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Human Trafficking

Along with ACT’s mission to work with victims of domestic and sexual violence, we also specialize in services for identifying and working with victims of human trafficking.   ACT has developed several partnerships within Southwest Florida servicing the five county area to develop a partnership of the community, service providers, law enforcement and the community to combat Human Trafficking through services, education, coordination, outreach and training.

We to work in developing specialized training and programs for our community and

ARTREACH is an interactive creative arts program developed by Human Trafficking Awareness Partnerships designed to instill a sense of awareness about human trafficking in our community’s boys and girls and to empower them to become peer spokespersons.

Through our network of support among service providers and the SW Florida Community in the joint fight against Modern Day Slavery. ACT’s mission is to promote community awareness of the crime by educating the public through the media and presentations to community groups as well as the general public. It support the work of service providers by coordinating training and resource development and coordinating community resources to facilitate the work of law enforcement and victims services.

Our efforts among law enforcement agencies, human service providers, non-profit organizations and federal and local government agencies began in 2005 in Lee County.  The Lee County Sheriff in conjunction with a local service club and other non-profit groups throughout Southwest Florida there is a need to enhance the interdiction, awareness and outreach of human trafficking in its various forms to both minor and adult, foreign nationals and domestic victims who are forced into prostitution, indentured servitude, peonage, or other forms of labor and sex trafficking.

ACT provides trainings to local and federal law enforcement and federal prosecutors and the network of human service providers in the area of child protection, domestic violence, hospitals, legal services, and both private and governmental organizations which provided trainings and education to professionals and community groups and leaders.

The collaborative nature of the anti-human trafficking efforts in Southwest Florida have led to the certification of hundreds of  victims and the provision of services  as well as the training of thousands of community members and professionals since 1979.

Not only does ACT receive referrals from our partners, we:

1.     Provide clinical therapeutic treatment, counseling, legal services and comprehensive case    management and advocacy for adult victims of human trafficking;

2.    Provide referral to collaborative partner for victims needing forensic interviews;

3.    Both partner and ACT  case manage referred victim;

4.    Participate in the development of new training, prevention and awareness programs of partner staff and/or volunteers.

5.    Provide a 24 hour helpline for the public, victims and partners.

6.    Provide shelter for adult victims and any children they may have and support services which includes comprehensive residential case management for victims of human trafficking.

For more information about human trafficking and our programs and collaborations, contact us at 239-939-2553.   Our 24-hour helpline for help is 239-939-3112.